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Home> News> Do you know the historical origin of foot therapy buckets.wood stove hot tub>

Do you know the historical origin of foot therapy buckets.wood stove hot tub

2023-10-25 attribution:News

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  Foot massage has a history of thousands of years, and humans have long discovered that stimulating the soles of the feet can improve the discomfort symptoms of their reaction organs. In ancient times, people walked barefoot. When people suffered from diseases, pain occurred in a certain area. When they found their feet touching the ground and other objects, or when they touched these areas with their hands and other tools, the disease gradually alleviated intentionally or unintentionally, and even healed. Until the 20th century, European and American doctors applied modern scientific concepts of human anatomy to systematically organize and study foot massage from the perspective of neuroreflex theory, developing it into a discipline - reflex medicine.

  According to the editor of the health preserving foot therapy bucket, Chinese foot therapy has a long history. The Spring and Autumn Annals of Rites provide detailed records of the "fumigation, steaming, soaking, and soaking" treatment of the feet using Chinese herbal decoction. Foot is the root of the human body, and foot therapy treats the whole body. In ancient times, the miraculous doctor Bianque discovered the method of using Chinese herbal medicine to soak feet in hot water according to people's lifestyle habits. It is said that this is the predecessor of traditional Chinese medicine foot bath and foot therapy. Traditional Chinese medicine foot bath and foot therapy have been widely spread and evolved in exchanges with foreign countries, such as Japanese foot massage, European and American water therapy, etc. The most famous guiding theory among them is William Fitzgerald's "Foot Reflex Health Act" in the United States.

  The Ministry of Health explicitly pointed out that "traditional Chinese medicine foot bath is a simple, effective, and side effect self prevention and health care method, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, which has practical significance. In 2003, the China Foot Reflex Health Law Research Association was officially established, aiming to vigorously promote foot bathing and foot therapy, and promote universal health care. The narrow space of the foot palm gathers half of the body's meridians.

  The foot is the beginning of the three yin meridians (liver, spleen, and kidney) and the end of the three yang meridians (stomach, gallbladder, and bladder). There are more than 60 acupoints below the foot that are closely related to the five organs and six fu organs. The relationship between the feet and the kidneys in the organs is the most significant, hence the saying "the kidneys govern the feet". The three treasures of life are "essence, qi, and spirit", with "essence" as the top priority, while the kidney is the innate foundation, the root of vitality, and the main reservoir of essence. Therefore, the human foot is like the root of the human body.

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