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What is the difference between an oven and a sauna steam room?

2024-07-13 attribution:other news

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  Of course, there are differences between the results of putting food in the oven and steaming. Both of them have heat, but the steam room carries steam, so your skin is watery after coming out of the oven, and dry after coming out of the oven. You can understand the difference between steaming Mantou and toasting toast. Both of these can help with passive sweating, but for those with yin deficiency, it is recommended to choose a steam room; People with a damp constitution are more suitable for an oven.

  How long is it better to steam/bake each time? Regardless of the type, it is recommended to limit it to 15 minutes at a time to promote blood circulation without dehydration and causing unconsciousness. However, if you want to use it interchangeably, it is also okay. As long as there is enough time, remember not to use the two in a row for more than 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can choose to steam in the steam room for 15 minutes, rest for 15 minutes, and then change the oven for another 15 minutes.

  I heard that alternating soaking in hot and cold pools is good for the body?

  It's a big mistake. Being able to soak your body separately in a cold and hot pool in a short period of time is definitely something you've practiced when you were a child, but it's not suitable for most people to do so. It's like putting a glass in hot water first and then quickly taking it out and putting it into cold water, which can easily rupture, and your body can also cause a great burden on the heart due to not being able to adjust the temperature in time.

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