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Home> other news>new> How much do you know about the advantages and disadvantages of nano sweat steaming rooms>

How much do you know about the advantages and disadvantages of nano sweat steaming rooms

2024-03-04 attribution:other news

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  First of all, let's talk about its advantages. There are a lot of online searches about its benefits, such as beauty and health preservation, body whitening, and even the ability to regulate various old problems. In fact, the essence is to make you sweat frequently. If you sweat more, the toxins in your body will not deposit so much. With less toxins, your face will naturally turn white, your skin will naturally look better, and your old problems can be alleviated.

  At the same time, the Enron nano sweat steaming room is decorated with an energy source. After heating, the released trace elements, far-infrared rays, negative ions, etc. have a certain bactericidal effect on the air. Therefore, with good air quality, it will feel more comfortable inside.

  The installation at home mainly focuses on cleanliness and hygiene. After all, the things you use will definitely pay more attention to the maintenance at ordinary times. There are only a few people who use them at the same time, so it is not easy to carry germs or unclean things outside. After all, if you share a room with others outside, you don't know me and I don't know you. Like COVID-19 before, you may be infected if you steam together.

  Then let's talk about its drawbacks. Most of the decorations in the nano sweat steaming room are made of bamboo mats, which are very thin and thin bamboo strips. Because they need to be considered pure natural, they do not add preservatives, and the slightly humid air will mold. The store is not afraid because it is opened every day and steamed like this, so there is no need to worry about moisture. However, it is different at home, especially when some people install it in the basement, In environments with high humidity, such as the bathroom, and if not used once or twice a week, it is easy to get moldy. If the sweat room gets moldy, it indicates that bacteria are all around.

  Another point is that in the past, the heating system of Enron Nano Sweat Steam Room used to use heating film. The recommended service life of this heating material manufacturer is three years, which means that it is recommended to replace it after three years. When decorating such a good sweat steam room at home, it will take two to three years to replace it. It is easy to say that if the family has relatively abundant money, it will be very painful

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