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Home> News> finlandia outdoor sauna..Do you know? Do the far infrared rays of the health bucket have these 10 major effects?>

finlandia outdoor sauna..Do you know? Do the far infrared rays of the health bucket have these 10 major effects?

2023-11-06 attribution:News

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  1. Far infrared can improve blood circulation

  Because far-infrared radiation can penetrate deep into the subcutaneous tissue of the human body, the use of far-infrared radiation can increase the temperature of deep subcutaneous skin, dilate microvessels, promote blood circulation, revive enzymes, strengthen blood and cellular tissue metabolism, greatly help restore cell rejuvenation and improve anemia. Regulating blood pressure: Hypertension and arteriosclerosis are generally caused by the contraction and narrowing of small arteries such as the nervous system, endocrine system, and kidneys. Far infrared can dilate microvessels, promote blood circulation, reduce hypertension, and improve symptoms of hypotension.

  2. Far infrared can improve joint pain

  The deep penetration of far-infrared light can reach the depths of muscles and joints, making the body warm, relaxing muscles, driving the exchange of oxygen and nutrients in the microvascular network, and eliminating accumulated fatigue substances and aging waste such as lactic acid. It has an excellent effect on eliminating internal swelling and alleviating soreness.

  3. Far infrared can regulate autonomic nerves

  The autonomic nervous system mainly regulates visceral function. If a person is in a state of anxiety for a long time, the autonomic nervous system will continue to tense, leading to decreased immunity, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, and cold limbs. Far infrared can regulate the autonomic nervous system to maintain its optimal state, and the above symptoms can be improved or eliminated.

  4. Far infrared rays can provide skincare and beauty benefits

  Far infrared radiation produces resonance absorption in the human body, which can metabolize substances that cause fatigue and aging, such as lactic acid, free fatty acids, cholesterol, and excess subcutaneous fat, directly from the skin through the activation of hair follicle opening and subcutaneous fat, without passing through the kidneys. Therefore, it can make the skin smooth and tender. The therapeutic effect of far-infrared radiation can increase the body's heat energy, activate cells, promote fat tissue metabolism, burn and decompose, consume excess fat, and effectively lose weight.

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