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Home> News> What is the help of sauna rooms in changing the sub-health status of modern people>

What is the help of sauna rooms in changing the sub-health status of modern people

2024-07-12 attribution:News

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  Nowadays, many business people enjoy saunas. Since becoming a member of society, Mr. Zhang has been a prisoner and has been working in the sauna for 20 years.

  Recently, there have been many young users and beginners in saunas, and it is attractive for them to meet the conditions of a good community, such as "no hierarchical relationship between users" and "free usage rights".

  The advantage of modern saunas is that they are "equal." Sauna enthusiasts have no relationship with the elderly or third generation, nor do they feel superior or inferior. People who live in saunas for a long time are not great. If you go with friends, you can have intimate conversations because you are naked. A sauna can keep your heart honest. "This is a place" (Mr. Zhang)

  Compared to my uncle's patience. This is both painful and difficult. I once had the impression of regret in the old sauna. In addition to the implicit behavior of old users, the quality of the equipment is also very poor. In fact, it is said that saunas that have been popular here since the 1960s have low humidity and are rough, such as ovens and toasters. When breathing, no one will have a sore nose.

  However, recently, Finnish style loryu (* 1) has begun to permeate here, and more and more saunas can comfortably sweat in moderate humidity. Mr. Zhang said, "The spread of parrots has changed the way saunas work."

  The sauna has always been focused on sweating, but in order to spend comfortable time, it is also important to relax the body and mind by enjoying the fragrance of wood. However, adjusting humidity is essential for obtaining a good sauna experience because the nose can cause harm in a space.

  Temperature is not as important as humidity. You can control sensible heat through humidity. Shikiji in Shizuoka (known as the "holy land of saunas") has a Finnish 120 degree hot sauna. There is a medicinal sauna that is about 60 to 65 degrees Celsius, but it feels very hot inside because the humidity of the medicinal sauna is 5 to 10 times higher. Just like feeling stuffy and humid in Tokyo

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