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Home> News> What are the types of sauna equipment.Home Sauna Room>

What are the types of sauna equipment.Home Sauna Room

2023-09-09 attribution:News

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  As an innovative technology product in the new era, sauna equipment has attracted a lot of attention. Nowadays, the development of the industry is no longer the same as it was three years ago, and there have been significant changes in technology and design volume. If the sauna equipment three years ago broke down, it is now almost impossible to find repair parts because it updates too quickly, old styles and outdated products will be eliminated. Today, in the development of high-tech, Technology is the pace of development, and if products do not update their technology and core components, they will be quickly eliminated. Therefore, the times are advancing, and our living standards are constantly improving, and our pursuit is also improving. Sauna equipment is a necessary product for our families. Nowadays, sauna has become a fashionable and leisure entertainment project, with many types of sauna equipment, and different needs require different sauna equipment, So how much do we know about the types of sauna equipment and what kind of sauna equipment is suitable for you?

  1: Dry steam room sauna equipment

  The dry steaming room belongs to a high-temperature steaming room, with a high temperature of up to 110 degrees. The heating principle of dry steaming is that after the sauna furnace is powered on and the furnace is heated to the set temperature, water is poured on the sauna stone, and the temperature inside the room will increase to achieve the effect of steaming sauna. Here, we mentioned that the sauna furnace and sauna stone are sauna equipment and can only be used in the dry steaming room. Secondly, the sauna equipment in the dry steaming room includes a wet thermometer, a wooden bucket, and a wooden spoon, Explosion proof lamp, tempered glass door.

  2: Sweat steam sauna equipment

  Sweat steaming is a popular steam room nowadays, which is loved by most women for its health and beauty benefits. The equipment used for sweat steaming includes electric heating film, far-infrared generator, tourmaline, negative ion oxygen bar, negative ion lamp, and intelligent control panel. These are all sweat steaming sauna devices.

  3: Wet steam room sauna accessories

  The wet steam room is a sharp tool for modern women's beauty and skin care. Due to the high humidity of wet steam, women's skin needs sufficient moisture to maintain delicate skin. The core equipment of the wet steam room includes a steam engine, acrylic seats, and an intelligent control panel. Compared to the sauna equipment used for wet steam, there are relatively few, but it is also relatively expensive. The temperature and adaptability of wet steam are relatively good, not dry, and the temperature is moderate, It feels like riding in the clouds.

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