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Home> News> What about a household sweat steaming room? The advantages of a household sweat steaming room.wicker hot tub>

What about a household sweat steaming room? The advantages of a household sweat steaming room.wicker hot tub

2023-09-22 attribution:News

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  When choosing a sweat steaming room, choose products from reputable manufacturers. Because some small sweat steam room manufacturers' sweat steam rooms cater to consumers' desire for cheap, producing and selling household sweat steam rooms with huge safety hazards. What are the advantages of household sweat steam rooms

  1. Release far-infrared light with a wavelength of 8-14 microns, with an emissivity of over 90% to dredge meridians and improve the human blood circulation system and microcirculation.

  2. Release negative ions, purify air, activate cells, purify blood, and balance body acidity and alkalinity.

  3. Release a micro current of 0.06 milliamperes, regulate cell bioelectricity, and supplement and balance human bioelectricity.

  4. Effectively blocking harmful radiation such as electromagnetic waves and water pulse waves from invading the human body.

  5. Activating cells, with the main focus on treating the "root cause" and comprehensive regulation as a supplement, can effectively prevent various diseases and play an auxiliary therapeutic role.

  6. Put the human body in a relaxed state, relieve tension and relieve stress.

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