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Types and evolution process of sauna rooms

2024-07-22 attribution:News

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  The original meaning of the language is "windowless wooden house", also known as bathing or "three warmers". It can be traced back to more than two thousand years ago and is a traditional activity.

  Smoked sauna

  The oldest traditional activity.

  In a room without windows or chimneys, burning firewood to heat stones produces smoke that increases the temperature when the fire goes out.

  In 2014, it was listed as "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO.

  Diesel fired sauna

  After the Industrial Revolution, saunas began to be accompanied by chimneys.

  By burning firewood to heat stones, the fragrance of the wood will also fill the entire room after combustion.

  Electric sauna

  In 1950, electronic sauna stoves began to appear and heated stones with electrical energy, accelerating the heating rate and significantly reducing the time required for the evolution of sauna rooms.

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