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Home> News> The advantages and disadvantages of using a sauna>

The advantages and disadvantages of using a sauna

2024-07-11 attribution:News

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  According to a study published by Dr. Seto Knutzo from the University of Bristol in the UK, people who enter a sauna 4 to 7 times a week have an approximately 61% lower risk of stroke compared to those who use it once a week This is the result of a tracking survey conducted on 1600 people aged 53 to 74 who have lived in eastern Finland for about 15 years.

  However, some doctors hold a negative attitude towards bathing methods, which alternate between saunas and cold baths. When you enter the sauna, your body will warm up, and when your blood vessels dilate, blood pressure will decrease; However, when you enter the bathtub, your blood vessels will contract and your blood pressure may rise. Indeed, some doctors warn that sudden temperature differences are dangerous as they can place a heavy burden on the body. Try to enjoy yourself to the fullest without feeling excessive.

  They have different characteristics. High temperature, size and humidity of the sauna room are also important factors in saunas

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