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Home> News> How to protect hair during sauna sweat steaming.wooden far infared sauna for sale>

How to protect hair during sauna sweat steaming.wooden far infared sauna for sale

2024-06-11 attribution:News

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  Some friends may experience hair loss after going to the steam room for sweating. Why is this? In the future, when sweating, pay attention to the following items to prevent hair loss.

  The main reason is due to improper sweating and steaming. Some people like to wash their hair before sweating, and some even apply hair conditioners or similar products to their hair, believing that it is beneficial for the absorption of nutrients.

  Actually, there is no scientific basis for this. When we wash our hair, our pores will open. During the process of sweating and steaming, the pores throughout the body will open, which can easily cause the hair follicles to expand and loosen, leading to hair loss.

  Health tip: Before sweating, you can take a shower, but be sure to wear a shower cap and avoid washing your hair. Keep your hair dry to prevent hair loss after sweating.

  Sweating rooms have great benefits for the human body, as long as you pay attention to some precautions, you can let sweat steam play its role.

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