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Home> News> How to adjust the temperature of the sauna.freestanding outdoor sauna>

How to adjust the temperature of the sauna.freestanding outdoor sauna

2023-09-04 attribution:News

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  The essence of steam sauna is to improve the body's immune system, relax the body and mind, lose weight, and maintain beauty through steam sauna. Sweating is a channel to achieve the effect, not the goal itself. The temperature that truly makes the human body feel warm is the most suitable temperature, and excessive sauna can actually harm human health.

  What is the appropriate sauna temperature? 50 ℃ sauna is a traditional activity that is beneficial for physical and mental health, especially in Nordic countries such as Finland. For Finns, sauna is as important as life. The history of sauna in northern Europe has been many, many years, and it is said that the embryonic form of sauna was also presented in ancient China.

  Usually, sauna is a non cultural heritage of Finland, Türkiye and other countries, but I believe that many friends have seen negative news about sauna, for example, sauna can kill sperm! Anything is too much, and the temperature of a sauna is also the same. Therefore, the equipment knowledge editor in the sauna room reminds you that the most suitable sauna temperature is around 50 ℃.

  What kind of effect will a suitable sauna temperature ultimately bring to our human body? It can dredge meridians, promote blood circulation in the body, and is very effective in treating various wind pains. It can improve the metabolism of the human body and achieve detoxification, expelling liver and kidney toxins and waste from the body. Steaming sauna can deepen into the subcutaneous tissue, achieve sterilization effect, and make your skin more beautiful.

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