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Home> News> Brief Description of the Sweat Steaming Room Manufacturer: Sweat Steaming Has No Effect When tub therapy for fibromyalgia>

Brief Description of the Sweat Steaming Room Manufacturer: Sweat Steaming Has No Effect When tub therapy for fibromyalgia

2023-08-24 attribution:News

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  1. Precautions before entering the sweat steaming room:

  ① Before entering the light wave room and sweat steaming room, one should defecate and expel waste from the body.

  ② Change into a loose sweatshirt after removing makeup before entering.

  ③ Drink an appropriate amount of warm water, preferably in a drinking cup of 500 milliliters or more, and avoid drinking cold water.

  ④ After meals or drinking alcohol, it is not advisable to immediately sweat and steam. The diet should not be too full, but do not enter on an empty stomach.

  2. Precautions when experiencing sweat steaming:

  ① Do not frequently enter or exit the steam room during the experience process;

  ② Do not rub the dirt on your body, just wipe it with a towel to prevent sweat glands from excreting normally;

  ③ Supplement water appropriately during the experience;

  ④ Sweating for about 40 minutes each time can also be adjusted according to one's own needs, grasping the walking, lying, sitting, and lying movements of sweating.

  ⑤ When there is a recovery reaction, do not stiffen. You can leave the rest room to relax for a moment, and enter again after the symptoms disappear.

  3. Precautions after sweating:

  ① Timely replenish moisture

  Water is the source of life, accounting for about 70% of the body weight. If the body loses 2% to 5%, it is necessary to replenish water. Therefore, it is important to rest for ten minutes after sweating and drinking water.

  ② After steaming, don't wipe the sweat off your body

  The sweat produced by steaming is different from the sweat produced by exercise. The sweat produced by steaming is smooth, non greasy, and has a good effect on skin beauty. Therefore, do not rush to wipe off the sweat on the body after steaming, and let it slowly be absorbed by the skin.

  ③ After sweating, one should rest for a period of time

  After sweating, you should rest for about twenty minutes. Avoid colds caused by alternating heat and cold.

  ④ After steaming with sweat, it is not suitable to take a shower within 6 hours, and smoking is not allowed within 2 hours. It is not advisable to consume excessively cold food.

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