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Home> other news>new> wood fired sauna cabin house supplier.What are the classifications of Korean sweat steaming curtains>

wood fired sauna cabin house supplier.What are the classifications of Korean sweat steaming curtains

2024-07-09 attribution:other news

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  Sweat steaming screens are not only a favorite place for young people in South Korea nowadays, but also a place for family gatherings during holidays. At sweat steaming screens, dating couples is economically beneficial. When families come here, they can choose what they want according to their preferences. Everyone is dressed in loose fitting home style clothes, sitting in front of a large TV or in various steam rooms and sweat steaming screens to relax their muscles and bones. They use burning pine wood to heat up, and within less than a minute of entering the sweat steaming screen, they immediately sweat their back, which can help eliminate old waste substances in the body and promote blood circulation. At the same time, the fragrance of pine trees has a calming effect on the body. The main categories are as follows:

  In South Korea, there is a traditional charcoal burning sweat steaming screen that can help with blood circulation;

  Glass salt sweat steaming screen can help with digestion and anti-cancer efficacy;

  Pine tree fire and sweat steaming curtain can treat neuralgia, weight loss, etc;

  Natural nephrite sweat screen can cure indigestion, diabetes, etc;

  Forest bathing houses can prevent aging and enhance mental concentration;

  Stone ice storage can keep the skin elastic;

  Design a sauna room for families

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