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Home> other news>new> transportable hot tub.What is the usage method of holographic energy health bucket?>

transportable hot tub.What is the usage method of holographic energy health bucket?

2023-11-28 attribution:other news

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  Today, the manufacturer of far-infrared foot therapy buckets will introduce the usage of holographic energy health buckets: the time range of holographic energy health buckets is 0 to 90 minutes, and the temperature is from room temperature to 65 degrees Celsius. It is generally recommended to set the starting temperature to 40 degrees, the starting time to 40 minutes, and preheat for 5-8 minutes before sitting in and steaming. Then set the time and temperature according to one's own constitution. 40 is the initial temperature. If you feel it is not hot enough, you can increase it once. Do not start at the highest temperature, otherwise it will take time to cool down. If you feel it is hot, you can lower the temperature and it will not immediately decrease. Some customers may feel hot. It is also recommended to use 40 minutes to an hour to adjust the time according to one's own feelings, and the length of the time should be determined by oneself. It is generally recommended to supplement water once a day, otherwise if the time is too long and you sweat too much, you will feel tired, dry, and thirsty. Health preservation emphasizes winter sickness, summer solstice, autumn harvest, and winter storage. Summer sweats a lot, which can detoxify, dispel dampness, and dispel coldness. Chinese people pay special attention to sweating during the dog days, so they can set the temperature to make themselves sweat more in summer. However, autumn and winter are already relatively dry, and sweating a lot will make the body even drier. Therefore, it is good to keep the body warm and sweat slightly. It is not necessary to pursue sweating profusely in winter. After sweating, the pores are all open, and the season and climate are related to subsequent maintenance. In summer, when the temperature is high, just change clothes after sweating. In winter, the temperature is already low. If you sweat profusely, your pores suddenly contract when you get cold, and if you don't clean or change clothes in time, it can have the opposite effect. Moreover, it is not easy to sweat profusely in autumn and winter.

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