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Home> other news>new> redwood hot tubs for sale.Why can health foot baths alleviate dysmenorrhea>

redwood hot tubs for sale.Why can health foot baths alleviate dysmenorrhea

2023-11-21 attribution:other news

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  Dysmenorrhea is a condition that occurs in the lower abdomen or without pain in women before and after their menstrual period. It occurs during the menstrual cycle, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sweating, which seriously affects women's work and learning, and rewards the quality of life. Dysmenorrhea is one of the common gynecological diseases, especially in unmarried women and adolescent girls. After the treatment of menstrual period, it should mainly focus on promoting blood circulation, resolving blood stasis, warming menstruation, and relieving pain. You can alleviate the effects of dysmenorrhea by taking a health preserving foot bath, and it is recommended to use a foot bath bucket.

  Far infrared foot therapy bucket company stated that using a foot bath bucket can clear heat and stop bleeding, suitable for people with early menstruation and high menstrual volume. For health and wellness, foot bath buckets can be used for healthy foot therapy during or without menstruation, which can improve menstrual pain or vomiting in a short period of time and reduce the impact of various menstrual symptoms on life and learning, This is also the doctor's advice for female friends who often suffer from menstrual cramps.

  Although using a foot bath can improve menstrual pain in daily life, it is also important to maintain a happy mood, avoid mental stimulation and emotional fluctuations, pay attention to hygiene, genital hygiene, and avoid vigorous exercise during the menstrual cycle. It is also important to keep warm and avoid cold air invading the body, avoid excessive fatigue, and increase nutrition for those with Qi and blood deficiency, Eat more foods that are beneficial to the body and avoid cold and raw foods.

  For female friends during menstruation, the effect of using a foot bath bucket to relieve dysmenorrhea is very obvious, which has been proven by facts. Therefore, doing more foot care in daily life can keep the body in its best state and avoid a series of problems caused by dysmenorrhea.

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