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Home> other news>new> inground hot tubs for sale.What is the target audience and precautions for a light wave room?>

inground hot tubs for sale.What is the target audience and precautions for a light wave room?

2023-12-09 attribution:other news

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  Many people may not know much about light wave rooms and may not know who is suitable for using them and some precautions. Therefore, the manufacturer of far-infrared saunas will share with you the suitable audience and precautions for using light wave rooms.

  Target audience:

  Modern women: Modern women are busy with work and life, urban pollution combined with strong ultraviolet light erosion, office computer radiation, harmful substances in cosmetics, which can cause toxin accumulation. The light wave room can precisely help beauty loving women eliminate melanin accumulation, tighten the skin, effectively tighten pores, and make the skin more delicate and smooth

  Men aged 20-50: Men between the ages of 20 and 50 are more energetic. Modern men face high work pressure, social interactions are inevitable, and lack outdoor sports. Statistics show that memory and attention decline, low mood, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, adverse reactions, overweight rate account for about 33%, and abnormal body fat and blood lipids. The light wave chamber can dilate capillaries, promote blood circulation, and eliminate tobacco and alcohol toxins as well as excess fat from the body.

  Middle aged and elderly people: The probability of cardiovascular disease among middle-aged and elderly people aged 50-80 who are concerned about health is 60%, which has attracted high attention from various sectors. As the elderly grow older, their bodies accumulate moisture, which can lead to symptoms such as lumbar muscle strain, joint pain, and numbness in hands and feet. The light wave room can accelerate the blood circulation of the elderly, strengthen the oxygen supply capacity of capillaries, and excrete moisture and cold from the body. Opening up various joints in the body plays a role in soothing meridians and activating collaterals, preventing and accelerating the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic bone pain, shoulder periarthritis, cervical spondylosis, and other effects.


  After meals, especially within half an hour after a full meal: it is not advisable to use a light wave room immediately, as skin blood vessels dilate and a large amount of blood flows back to the skin, affecting the blood supply to the digestive organs and inevitably affecting the digestion and absorption of food, which is detrimental to health.

  When overworked or hungry: When overworked or hungry, the human muscle tone is poor, and the tolerance to cold and hot stimuli is reduced, which can easily cause collapse and is not recommended for use.

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