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Home> other news>new> hot tub wood heater.What are the contraindications for foot bathing and the use of far-infrared foot therapy buckets?>

hot tub wood heater.What are the contraindications for foot bathing and the use of far-infrared foot therapy buckets?

2023-12-14 attribution:other news

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  Foot bath is a health supplement, soaking feet can effectively relieve fatigue, and soaking feet for girls can also help dispel cold and dampness. The far-infrared foot therapy bucket is a popular option among consumers on the market. So, what are the contraindications for using far-infrared foot therapy buckets?

  1. Please do not allow individuals without self-awareness, unable to operate on their own, or infants and young children to use it;

  2. When feeling uncomfortable or experiencing abnormal sensations in the body and skin, please stop using immediately;

  3. If used for a long time, please pay attention to adjusting the appropriate temperature to avoid low-temperature burns;

  4. Do not sit or stand on the product;

  5. Do not use or store in the bathroom or in areas with high humidity;

  6. Do not add water or clean with water in the product;

  7. When handling products, please use both hands to avoid product slipping and causing malfunctions;

  8. Do not place the head inside the product;

  9. Do not use inside the quilt.

  Far infrared foot therapy bucket

  Taboos for foot baths:

  1. It is not suitable to take a foot bath for people who are in a state of great anger, sadness, joy, mental stress, or physical fatigue.

  2. If there are injuries, blisters, scabies on the feet, or people with inflammation, pus, ulcers, edema, and severe varicose veins on the feet, it is also not suitable to take a foot bath.

  3. For pregnant and menstrual women, it is also not recommended to take foot baths, as traditional Chinese medicine foot baths may stimulate the female gonadal reflex area, thereby affecting the health of women and fetuses.

  4. Patients with acute infectious diseases, acute poisoning, and surgical emergencies, such as trauma, fractures, burns, perforation, and massive bleeding, may miss the most timely treatment opportunity.

  5. For critically ill patients such as renal failure, heart failure, myocardial infarction, liver necrosis, etc., due to the unstable condition, stimulation of the foot reflex area may cause strong reactions, making the condition more complex. Therefore, foot bathing is not suitable.

  6. People with various serious bleeding diseases, such as hemoptysis, vomiting blood, rectal bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, gastric bleeding, uterine bleeding, and other visceral bleeding, may experience local tissue bleeding during foot massage, so foot baths are not suitable.

  7. People who take a foot bath within 1 hour before and after meals. Due to the dilation of blood vessels and increased blood volume in the feet during foot bathing, there is a decrease in gastrointestinal and visceral blood, which affects gastrointestinal digestive function. Foot baths before meals may inhibit gastric juice secretion and be detrimental to digestion; Taking a foot bath immediately after meals can cause a decrease in blood volume in the gastrointestinal tract, affecting digestion.

  Special reminder: Infants and young children do not need to soak their feet

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