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Home> other news>new> Wooden hot tub .Common problems in the use of wet steaming rooms>

Wooden hot tub .Common problems in the use of wet steaming rooms

2023-12-07 attribution:other news

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  What is the general temperature of a steam room

  The temperature of the steam room is generally relatively low and will not exceed 45 ℃.

  How long is it suitable to steam in a steam room

  Steaming for about 20 minutes at a time is similar, but steaming for too long can lead to discomfort such as dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.

  Can I play with my phone in the wet steam room

  Editor's Reminder: It is not allowed to bring mobile phones when in the wet steam room. In addition to mobile phones, precision electronic products such as watches and tablets are also not recommended to be brought into the wet steam room to avoid product damage.

  Can I take a shower after wet steaming

  After wet steaming, it is possible to take a shower, but it is best to do so after one hour of wet steaming, and it is also best to take a hot bath to avoid catching a cold.

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