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Home> other news>new> What is the overview and classification of sweat steaming rooms?wood fired hot tub heater>

What is the overview and classification of sweat steaming rooms?wood fired hot tub heater

2023-12-13 attribution:other news

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  Sweat steam room originated in Finland, which includes dry steam room and wet steam room. However, people usually refer to sauna room as dry steam room and steam room as wet steam room. Traditional saunas use burning mineral stones and splashing water on top to generate steam, while modern saunas use far-infrared and negative ions to achieve the effects of sauna. Sauna rooms have various benefits such as weight loss, detoxification, and rheumatism, and are highly favored by consumers.

  The manufacturer of far-infrared saunas introduces the classification of sweat steaming rooms to everyone:

  According to different heating principles, it can be divided into dry steam sauna and wet steam sauna;

  According to different bath culture, it can be divided into: Finnish bath, Türkiye bath, Korean sweat steaming, etc;

  According to different heating materials, it is subdivided into:

  There are three main types of dry steaming rooms: far-infrared light wave rooms, biological spectrum energy rooms, and sweat steaming rooms.

  Wet steam includes Finnish sauna (sauna stone) and Türkiye sauna (steam)

  Dry steaming:

  It is the use of electric heating equipment (such as carbon crystal heating plates, ceramic heaters, etc.) to directly heat with electrical energy, which will release heat and increase the temperature inside the sauna, causing people to sweat. The temperature of dry steaming is higher than that of wet steaming, and the height can reach around 100 ℃. Dry steaming, as it does not contain moisture, is particularly suitable for patients with rheumatism. At the same time, it does not have the smell of steam, making it more comfortable for the nose and breathing less stuffy. However, after steaming, the skin will become drier, so it is important to drink plenty of water before and during the dry steaming process.

  Wet steaming:

  It is the use of a steam cooker to boil water to produce steam, which is then sprayed out through a pipeline to produce sufficient moisture. The temperature is generally controlled at around 50 ℃. Ladies often choose wet steaming because after steaming, the skin will become more rosy and hydrated than before, but there will be discomfort such as suffocation when breathing. Wet steaming also causes the human body to sweat, so it is important to replenish water before and during wet steaming.

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