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Home> other news>new> What are the benefits of far-infrared light wave bathrooms?wood fired hot tub heater Supply chain>

What are the benefits of far-infrared light wave bathrooms?wood fired hot tub heater Supply chain

2024-07-16 attribution:other news

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  1. Beautifying the skin can delay aging

  As age increases, the blood supply to the skin begins to decline, with poor microcirculation and insufficient cellular nutrition, leading to skin relaxation, decreased elasticity, and the formation of black spots, brown spots, and wrinkles. Light wave bathing rooms can unblock skin capillaries, improve skin microcirculation, enhance nutrient supply, nourish cells, improve skin permeability and self-cleaning ability, maintain skin health, and delay aging.

  2. Relax the body and mind, relieve fatigue

  The light wave bath provides a unique environment of 40 75 ℃, with infrared light waves shining throughout the body, causing the skin to generate internal heat, expand pores, sweat profusely, promote metabolism, accelerate blood circulation, bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and excrete metabolic products with sweat, quickly replenishing energy, and relieving fatigue. It is currently an updated product of traditional saunas.

  3. Detoxify and purify the body, promote metabolism

  The light wave bath room effectively adjusts the balance of the body by activating human cells, promoting harmful substances to be excreted through sweat without excreting essential nutrients, which greatly helps balance the body's metabolism.

  4. Burning fat to achieve weight loss benefits

  The light wave bath uses high-temperature steam to cause sweat or sebaceous glands to sweat, and even subcutaneous fat will flow out together with sweat. The steam conducts heat and promotes sweating in the human body. Therefore, using light wave slimming baths can effectively achieve weight loss goals. The most important thing is that far-infrared light irradiation can enhance the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, eliminate the accumulation of greasy and difficult to digest substances in the body, which is the fundamental way to lose weight.

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