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The sweat steaming room returns to a refreshing tub wood heater

2024-02-22 attribution:other news

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  Why do we feel so excited standing under waterfall mountains and rivers? Why do we like to do morning exercises nearby? Many people will say, 'It's worth asking, the air is fresh!'! So, what makes the air so fresh that we can't help but feel a thrill? Some people say there is sufficient oxygen, but in fact, it is not. In addition to oxygen, there is also a negative ion effect, which means that a large amount of negative ions can be generated under the waterfall mountains and rivers, and negative ions can also be generated during the growth of plants and trees near the park. So, using the Tomalin sweat steaming room at home can also make you feel this freshness!

  Many modern homes are decorated exquisitely, but what is always missing? The internet is one of the biggest leisure activities for modern people. The background pattern usually set on computer screens is blue sky and green grass, which is a potential manifestation of modern people's return to nature. However, for various reasons, going for outings in the suburbs is a luxury. The biggest disadvantage of staying away from nature is getting close to illness. If you indulge in the constraints of life and face various pressures, how can you cope? Tomalin's sweat steaming room may be able to relieve stress and relax to some extent!

  The Tomalin sweat steaming room has gradually been accepted by people due to its unique function. Water and people have a close relationship, and people love to take baths. The public bathhouses that are everywhere are still some people's fond memories. Compared with bathhouses that mainly focus on showering now, the hot large pool is even more memorable. The Tomalin sweat steaming room combines the needs of modern people, inherits some excellent characteristics of bathhouses, and adds new innovative elements, A modern health tool with strong health functions, which uses a large amount of negative ions generated by tourmaline to make people energetic and has the miraculous effect of delaying aging!

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