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Home> other news>new> The size and price of a single person sweat steaming room>

The size and price of a single person sweat steaming room

2024-05-14 attribution:other news

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  1. Before customizing a large sweat steam room for household use, it was necessary to tidy up their rooms several times. Ordinary rooms also have wires, wire boxes, and lights, so these air conditioning and other items need to be removed again.

  2. If she knew how to be an electrician, it would be easy to do so. She could clean up some people, but if she didn't understand, she would need to find this electrician to replace them.

  3. Many rooms are immediately converted from bathrooms to steam rooms, and at this time, it is necessary to expose the toilets and wash basins in the toilets. The floor should be immediately filled with cement sand.

  4. Where there is a water pipe, it never needs to be left under the room and needs to be removed.

  5. It's only normal for a room to have windows, but let's see how you need to keep the windows. Unless you need to keep them, you can put two layers of advertising paper on the windows in advance, or make the windows waterproof. If you can't, you can block the windows with bricks.

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