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Home> other news>new> Knowledge that needs to be understood before installing and constructing a family sweat steaming room.Redwood hot tub sales>

Knowledge that needs to be understood before installing and constructing a family sweat steaming room.Redwood hot tub sales

2024-05-21 attribution:other news

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  At the beginning of the school season, students are officially starting school, and the summer vacation of these two months is likely to make many parents crazy. It's rare for my home to be quiet, so installing a family sweat steaming room with beautiful and beautiful looks is also a natural option. However, some knowledge still needs to be mentioned here!

  1. Home steam rooms can be renovated in a corner of the kitchen, bedroom, living room, balcony, or in attic, basement, stairwell, bathroom, and other areas! As long as that corner is not needed, it can be used. The area doesn't need to be very large, 1-10 square meters is enough. Reserve more space for more places, and less space for smaller places!

  2. The space conditions required for the installation and construction of a family sweat steaming room are relatively limited, but there are also some. For example, the space that needs to be decorated needs to be separated by brick walls, gypsum boards, glass, etc. Generally, there are six sides, four walls, one ceiling, one floor, and there are also rooms with multiple sides. This is not affected, and the sloping ceiling can also be used! Just ensure that there is a level surface, and in the case of multiple surfaces, each surface is flat!

  3. The equipment and facilities in the room need to be moved away. All household items such as electrical boxes, switches, televisions, faucets, and meters need to be brought. The new house is fine, so there is no need to do anything. If it is a bathroom, it is necessary to see the room renovation, and these household appliances will definitely be available. Just move them away and restore the flatness of the walls and floors. The height of the ceiling should be between 2-3 meters, usually 2.5 meters high!

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