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Is the ceiling design of the sauna room not creative?outdoor barrel sauna Supply chain

2024-06-18 attribution:other news

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  For modern people, taking a shower is a place to rest, communicate with friends, and relax. Although this is equally important, it is still a place for hygiene procedures. Taking a shower is a great way to relieve psychological stress. It can improve sleep, normalize blood pressure, and eliminate toxins. Whether it is a combination shower, or a massage bathtub and all other technologically advanced plumbing facilities, they cannot shake the widespread popularity of bathtubs. The interior design options in the catalog room include decoration for the steam room, changing room, washing room, and general rules. The interior design options for the room can be combined with Russian rooms, washrooms, and steam rooms. Everything else - swimming pool (font), entertainment room, toilet, game room (billiards), smoking room, kitchen - depends on the owner's personal preferences and financial ability. The interior of modern bathtubs is a leap of designer imagination, adjusted according to the details and characteristics of the bathtub.

  What are the functions of a sweat steaming room

  Function One

  The mineral tourmaline, also known as tourmaline, is a high-grade natural gemstone. Its columnar crystals are composed of seven or eight different colored minerals, which are dazzling and have a bright color. Both ends of the crystal have positive and negative charge nuclei, and its surface flows with a micro current of 0.06 milliamperes. Therefore, the scientific name "tourmaline" comes into being. Scientific experiments have shown that the finer the wrinkles and crushing of tourmaline, the stronger the energy it releases, and tourmaline has magical health benefits for the human body. Its main function is to balance the bioelectricity of the human body, improve blood circulation and microcirculation, relax meridians and promote metabolism, release negative ions, and balance the pH of the human body. And it can effectively block the harm of harmful radiation such as electromagnetic waves and water pulse waves to the human body, providing comprehensive health care for the whole body and mind.

  Function 1: It has the function of consuming waist fat, reducing fat, moisturizing and whitening the skin, and promoting health and shaping. Due to the effect of far-infrared radiation on the human body, the temperature of the skin and subcutaneous tissue increases, leading to the dilation of capillaries. Most of the substances in the blood are water. As the water in large molecular groups turns into water in small molecular groups, the fluidity of water molecules in capillaries is greatly improved. The decrease in blood viscosity and blood lipids makes the interior of blood vessels smooth, thereby improving local microcirculation. At the same time, blood vessels and cells are cleaned, enhancing the energy conversion of oxygen and trace elements, and enhancing the calcium ion activity in cells and within cells.

  Function 2

  Generating negative ions has the effects and effects of calming, calming the mind, improving respiratory function, activating human unit cells, and promoting the absorption of nutrients and waste excretion by human unit cells. Mainly reflected in the following aspects

  1. Smoke elimination, dust removal, and improvement of air structure. Negative ions can quickly neutralize the positive ions in the air, such as coke, secondhand smoke, oil fumes, and particulate matter, reducing the incidence of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

  2. Improve cardiovascular function by inhaling negative ions, which increases oxygen absorption and exhaust emissions, has a significant antihypertensive effect, can uplift people's spirits, and improve work efficiency.

  3. Promote metabolism, negative ions can activate various alcohols in the body, and improve sleep.

  4. Negative ions can improve the body's responsiveness and enhance its disease resistance.

  5. Negative ions can alleviate or cure bronchitis, allergic hay fever, bronchial asthma, emphysema, heart pain, dizziness, migraine, neurasthenia, ulcer disease, diabetes, anemia, burns, upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases

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