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Home> other news>new> Hot Tub Hydrotherapy.The New "Golden Detoxification Method" for Sweating Women in the Sweating Room>

Hot Tub Hydrotherapy.The New "Golden Detoxification Method" for Sweating Women in the Sweating Room

2024-01-11 attribution:other news

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  Sweating in the steam room can help detoxify? Many women, upon hearing this, express disbelief, but when they try to sweat and steam, their thoughts completely change. After sweating and steam, they clearly feel that their whole body has become easier and their spirits have improved a lot! Sweat steaming is a physical therapy that uses the principle of infrared reflection to heat up and make people sweat. It emphasizes high heat and expands the pores of the human body through high temperature, promoting blood circulation, expelling sweat and accumulated toxins in the body. It can alleviate symptoms such as arthritis, gastrointestinal diseases, and chronic bronchitis, and has a cosmetic effect, making the skin smooth and helping to lose weight.

  In the tourmaline sweat steaming room, the unique far-infrared and negative ion effects of Tomaline act on the human body, causing the absorption and activation of cells in the body. Substances that cause fatigue and aging in the body, such as lactic acid, fatty acids, cholesterol, excess subcutaneous fat, etc., are directly excreted from the skin without going through the kidneys through the activation of hair follicle opening and sebaceous glands, promoting skin metabolism.

  The benefits of sweating and steaming for women:

  1. Relieve dysmenorrhea, regulate menstruation, and steam with sweat before and after menstruation, which can warm the female uterus, eliminate excess blood stasis in the uterus, and lighten blood clots.

  2. Improve uterine fibroids and disperse breast masses.

  3. Adjusting postpartum body dampness, uterine coldness and dampness, and some careless steps during postpartum confinement can lead to moisture in the female friend's body. At this time, sweating and steaming can timely expel moisture, as well as residual evil in the uterus after childbirth

  4. Fade facial yellow spots, curb acne and acne. Practice has shown that sweating can open the pores of facial skin, prevent blockages, and achieve the effect of fading pigmentation and eliminating acne and acne.

  5. Detoxify and clear the intestines, regulate sleep. Sweating can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, and drinking a large amount of active water during the sweating process can help detoxify accumulated feces in the body, making the body light and smooth. After sweating, the body sweats and can quickly enter sleep, thereby improving the quality of sleep.

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