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Home> other news>new> Do you understand the relationship between construction technology and the installation price of sweat steaming rooms>

Do you understand the relationship between construction technology and the installation price of sweat steaming rooms

2024-05-24 attribution:other news

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  A small sweat steaming room, it also has great potential. We thought it was the same, but judging from the appearance of the sweat steaming room pictures, we thought that the installation price of a sweat steaming room with the same appearance should be the same, which is actually wrong!

  At present, there is no standard in the sweat steaming room industry, it is just a conceptual standard that is mutually referenced within the industry, which everyone thinks should be done in this way! In fact, you can assemble it freely! For example, a simple approach is to only make the decorative layer and heating layer, which is to hang a heating film on the wall and then cover the bamboo mat for decoration, and the appearance is the same! To make it more complex, one would first use wooden blocks as a load-bearing layer, then lay extruded plastic boards as insulation layers, and then lay reflective films as reflective layers. Then, use energy cloth and Tomalin energy powder to lay an energy layer, then lay heating materials as heating layers, and decorate the outside as decorative layers!

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