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Home> other news>new> Do we still need to install a fireproof salt therapy sweat steaming room for commercial use in the store>

Do we still need to install a fireproof salt therapy sweat steaming room for commercial use in the store

2024-03-04 attribution:other news

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  Whether it is demolition or renovation, it requires a considerable amount of money for the shop owner. In addition, at that time, the standards for fire prevention sweat steaming rooms were not clear, and some shops were not up to standard after one renovation. After multiple trials and tribulations, many shops stopped doing sweat steaming.

  In recent years, the requirements of fire protection for sweat steaming rooms have become less strict, and traditional sweat steaming rooms have been installed again on the market. The reason why bosses like traditional ones is that they are familiar, cheap, and cost-effective.

  Some businesses on the market have installed sweat steaming rooms, especially some salt therapy sweat steaming rooms, which are no longer decorated according to fire prevention standards, but according to previous practices. Some merchants are wondering, do we still need to install a fireproof salt therapy sweat steaming room?

  1. The fire prevention sweat steaming room has already set standards. Although fire safety inspections are not carried out much now, it is difficult to ensure that it is suddenly inspected. If one day it is suddenly strictly enforced, and one's own sweat steaming room is a traditional "non fire prevention", then they will face the risk of demolition or rectification. Regardless of the situation, it is still inevitable to have to pay for it.

  2. The salt therapy sweat steaming room adopts traditional methods, most of which are designed with bamboo mats and salt added. For example, the wall skirt is made of salt brick walls, and the bamboo mats are decorated on top. This kind of decoration may look good at first, but after a period of time, the bamboo mats will become moldy. At the same time, the position close to the salt is prone to mold and deterioration. If the sweat steaming room of the store is not used for a week or encounters a southerly wind, the problem will be even more serious. And most of the fireproof sweat steaming rooms are made of diatomaceous mud or fire-resistant materials, so this problem will not occur.

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