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Home> other news>new> Analysis of the reasons why the floor of the sweat steam room does not heat up>

Analysis of the reasons why the floor of the sweat steam room does not heat up

2024-08-01 attribution:other news

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  A few days ago, I encountered a problem with a steam room and almost misled others. One person asked for help saying that the floor of the steam room was not hot and asked me to help him determine where the problem was? When I received his request for help, I first asked him to confirm if all the switches had been pushed up and if they were functioning properly. I confirmed that all the switches were working, but the temperature did not rise. Then, I checked if the thermostat was functioning properly and confirmed that the AC contactor would make a clicking sound when the thermostat was turned on.

  The communication contactor is ringing. I have confirmed that the reason why the floor of the sweat steam room is not hot is because the heating cable on the floor is broken. Generally, the possibility of problems with the heating cable is smaller, and the problem usually occurs at the joint. However, this kind of repair is not easy enough. When I asked the other party to find the joint, I thought about whether it was because the communication contactor was burned out? Although he makes a clicking sound when the power is turned on, it doesn't mean that his wires can be connected? So I asked the customer to connect the wire ends of L5 and T6 together, so there was no need for a temperature controller. Then I asked the customer to connect the wires together and check the electricity meter, only to find that the meter moved quickly after connecting the power supply. This indicates that there is no possibility of overheating on the working floor.

  After I asked the customer to buy an AC contactor of the same model as the one outside and replace it, after two hours of heating, the ground started to get very hot again. If it weren't for suddenly remembering to check the problem with the AC contactor, otherwise the cement on the ground would have to be peeled off, and the damage would be too great.

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