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Home> other news>new> 6 person softub hot tub.What are the functions and characteristics of the biological spectrum foot bath bucket?>

6 person softub hot tub.What are the functions and characteristics of the biological spectrum foot bath bucket?

2023-12-09 attribution:other news

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  The birth of the spectrum foot bath bucket has solved the confusion of traditional therapy and modern people's lack of exercise. You can easily and safely enjoy the health brought by the spectrum foot bath bucket at home and in the office. The far-infrared sauna manufacturer will introduce to you the functions and characteristics of the biological spectrum foot bath bucket.

  Under the resonance conditions of bioelectric waves, the blood circulation in the soles of the feet is accelerated, acupoints are stimulated, muscles are relaxed and collaterals are activated, the body's immune system is enhanced, cell metabolism is promoted, and it has a good relieving effect on diseases such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, and endocrine disorders.

  Under the strong bactericidal effect of far-infrared radiation, the foot bath bucket breaks traditional concepts and adopts the new technology of electric stone far-infrared foot bathing method, making it impossible for foot fungi to survive in this space, inhibiting fungal generation, promoting cell division, and achieving good regulatory effects on various foot diseases.

  The surface of the human body receives far-infrared radiation and conducts penetration from the surface to the inside, which is absorbed and produces a warming effect. It resonates and resonates with tissues and cells in the body, promoting activity. And due to the warm effect, the human microvasculature expands, enhances self-discipline, and accelerates blood circulation. Due to resonance and resonance, the active response of cells is enhanced, accelerating the exchange of substances between cells and blood, thereby promoting the body's metabolism.

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